from dusk till dawn

Thumbnail of the map 'from dusk till dawn'

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Author da_guru
Tags author:da_guru experimental featured n-artish playable rated
Created 2009-08-03
Last Modified 2009-08-03
by 23 people.
Map Data

Description no.21 of my map-pack "pictures of a forgotten world" []

This map was featured on 2010-11-21

A huge disappointment of the most (puzzlish) maps is the playability. No matter how creative your ideas are... if the game play is unappealing, you're out. da_guru is known for his extraordinary tilesets but they often ruin the above-mentioned criterion. Luckily, not in from dusk till dawn. The rough shapes support the bounce blocks and cause you to think about your jumps. Et voilà, we've got a map which I could describe in only two words: massive entertainment. — Chrdrenkmann

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the calm before the storm' Thumbnail of the map 'Heracles: The Augean Stables' Thumbnail of the map 'don't wake up the town' Thumbnail of the map 'save baby penguin' Thumbnail of the map 'sun rises, tree falls' Thumbnail of the map 'collapsing biosphere'
the calm before the storm Heracles: The Augean Stables don't wake up the town save baby penguin sun rises, tree falls collapsing biosphere



This is a really cool idea. I especially like the return on the first block, it took me a long time to figure out how to do. Anyways I'm really glad you finally got a feature Da Guru, I was kind of surprised you hadn't already... really deserving.

Demo Data


when my tiles are nice the gameplay is retarded...and when the gameplay is good...the tiles are retarded...what a disgrace^^
although his nice tilesets usually ruin the gameplay, this ONE doesnt... classy.
PS 5aved :)

i will continue...

i promise,but u know i'm now in the Kursstufe xD so i won't get that much time for mapping so far:/and i also lost a bit of my inspiration :/...


who ever said this was a puzzle? And why does it matter anyway?

Good thing...

...that I've put "puzzlish" in brackets.

congrats to ya 1st

featured map guru xD
= no puzzle. The first bounceblock is a puzzle. The rest is just...normal...?


I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could think this is not a puzzle.

It's an easy puzzle, yes, but it is a puzzle nonetheless.

Good looks yeah

But it wasn't hard, or innovative, or puzzling. It's been done better plenty of times before, and furthermore the term puzzle implies you have to think about how to move on (such as Valves by Lucidium, or Cat's Cradle by Nexx). Not quite present in this map. Bottom line, it was average. 4/5

First Try AGD

first bounceblock = very hard.
Demo Data

great feature

innovative, love it

I really liked this

although I agree with chume about the first bounceblock - it was disproportionately hard.
and the tileset looks great from the thumbnail - like it was 3Dish (expanses backwards), but it was abit annoying ingame. 4/5
It's indeed a really good map.

Agree with seneschal. 4

first try AGD.

interesting level, would work best in an episode to run out your time
Demo Data
but the tileset is awesome.

Congrats on feature.

congrats on feature

nice map
wery maze like

really like this.

Pretty fun map


congratulations da_guru.

Didnt like this map, I remember playing it and not enjoying it enough to comment, its a pretty annoying map and da_guru's got a nice inventory of featureable maps


I'm stunned. I didn't expect any of my maps ever to be featured. Chrdrenkmann, thank you so much!


This map is pretty much perfect, barring the launchpad at the end, which is rather unnecessary and a little annoying.
Demo Data


This is quite funny.
Demo Data
really appreciate it :)

oh my wow

this is actually really good. like. really good. 4 and faved :) nice work
Demo Data
with my progress on the map have a look when you get time :)


for the comments, and for wishing me luck; I appreciate it them greatly :D
and the procrastinating when I'm not busy but I am working on it tonight I've decided to used the 5th of the tile-sets you sent me (the one with the buildings and clouds) if that's ok after having a play around with all of them. I'm working on it now I'll get it back to you tonight. I may alter the tiles slightly to enhance gameplay if that's ok
on the forums if you know how that would be ideal.

ok cool

I'm from the uk (nottingham at present) so I'm at GMT I'm mostly on in the evenings after about 6 o'clock and I have time to map about 3 times a week so If thats ok with you we'll try and collab there do you have a forums account if so it might be easier to do this in pms but if not thats ok too
The bounce blocks were used to really good effect creating numerous puzzley trials to the ninja. I didn't like how the hardest one came first though getting back past that first bounce-block was disproportionately hard to the whole of the rest of the level especially as it came so early on also the gold added little extra challenge which it should have. Still a great level though for the layout and puzzley bounce-block mechanics. Heres a slightly faster agd
Demo Data

Hey I'm back now

if your around and still want to collab we should now just post on one of my maps or something :)
but it's become true! It's there now!!!

completion demo

come on schaaaf, make an effort!
Demo Data

i cant

beat this heidelberg almost heidelberg