Mushroom Mountain

Thumbnail of the map 'Mushroom Mountain'

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Author Allinator
Tags 5 author:allinator mushrooms rated
Created 2009-11-30
Last Modified 2009-12-02
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description WILTM - I like the tiles a lot. I like how i gave the mushrooms roots using one ways. I like the whole look of it, and the trap door thing. I like all of this. I think my best map yet. It is fun to play and watch for me. Hopefully you too.

Other maps by this author

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My first map Xplained Home Invasion Mal-managed Factory


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and still,

your best map still
love them, i love the chaingun, amazing gameplay good gold placement. one thing i think this map could have gone without were the trap doors. they're unneccessary. agd without using them.

great map, 4/5
Demo Data


map not the best but pretty decent 3.5

Faster AGD

Demo Data

Faster Speedrun

Demo Data

sweet, no problem

I'm excited :D


Demo Data

Wow, XY's AGD is better than my speedrun. XD

Slow Speedrun

Yeah, I see the shroom at the top but I don't really like the look of it. This was good. I enjoyed more than most of your maps. The emptiness worked to your advantage. 4/5 from me.
Demo Data
not bad, not great. Um... 3. I'm kinda hoping you'll make a longer or harder map, but of course that's up to you.
form a mushroom.

(just noticed the oneways at the bottom. I meant the ones at the top.)


I think you're improving^^... The gameplay and the tiles are better, but the strange-interesting feel is still there, though... :]
Demo Data

first try agd

pretty cool. the oneways and normal doors were pretty much pointless and didn't look good though.
Demo Data


slow down in your submissions. 2 maps on the hotpage at a time is maximum, but to get most of your maps noticed i recommend only submitting two a day.

That way, people wait eagerly for your maps and will play them regularly and more willingly.
Demo Data


btw the cool kids get all three mushrooms to show up
Demo Data