A turn for the worst.

Thumbnail of the map 'A turn for the worst.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author FusionCoil
Tags action author:fusioncoil rated
Created 2010-01-13
Last Modified 2010-01-13
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Uses The battle turns by brainstone -
These tiles are brilliant, and I all recommend you give him good rates! =D


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Nature always grows somehow, but it ain't gonna be pretty.' Thumbnail of the map 'Is there nobody out here?' Thumbnail of the map 'It always leaves a trail... of blood.' Thumbnail of the map 'Compactness come in cans.' Thumbnail of the map 'Abstract can't breathe.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mr Sun says WAKE UP!'
Nature always grows somehow, but it ain't gonna be pretty. Is there nobody out here? It always leaves a trail... of blood. Compactness come in cans. Abstract can't breathe. Mr Sun says WAKE UP!


Pages: (0)


No. 50 is coming up for you...
I would love to collab with you (only if you want too), but im still on my holiday for another 1 & 1/2 days; its currently 10:10 am in SA and ill be back home and on numa at 5:30 tomorrow... unless (again, if you want to) you can wait that long.
Btw, im using my mobile for this :-P

could you please reply soon; its fine if you cant collab with me :)

I would edit it...

But now it's rated, I can't. =(
There's only one completely hidden thwump though.

Thanks for the rates though! =D
- Fusion

nice map

but i think the hidden thwumps aren't so good..
i think without the hidden thwumps it would be more fun.. ;)
anyway it is good ;)


It`s nice too see that someone actually uses my tiles. But please don`t hide thwumps in tiles. It`s annoying when you don`t expect a enemy and then get killed and need to restart.