
Thumbnail of the map 'TuNNelZ1'

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Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi dda kradda rated teleport tunnelz
Created 2012-05-14
Last Modified 2012-05-14
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Kradda in underground tunnels. Im doing parts so the next one will start where this one ends.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Super Adventure II' Thumbnail of the map 'Super Adventure III' Thumbnail of the map 'Super Adventure IV' Thumbnail of the map 'wOaH' Thumbnail of the map 'Doors Everywhere' Thumbnail of the map 'The Path he Must Take'
Super Adventure II Super Adventure III Super Adventure IV wOaH Doors Everywhere The Path he Must Take


Pages: (0)

Looks still pretty bad, but plays fine in some parts.
Also, little signatures here and there? lol
3/5 (honestly it's a 2 but rated 3)

I know that :P

I was trying to get faster haha

There is a reason

its called a dda...


I always die here! :P
Demo Data


don't now why anyone would think of it as an accomplishment...
I wouldn't even care if somebody rated it a zero if that person had the balls to at least tell me why he/she didn't like it.


and i thought the "art" of sniping has gone forever.


That's annoying


i think you've been sniped.

this is pretty good

i really liked when it teleported the ninja and the rocket was still flying through the tunnel. 4/5


are such pain for me to make... This is a good one. A good start for sure.