Single Tileset Motifs: Arrowheads

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Author Hellheart
Tags author:hellheart playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-03-04
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I redid everything but the bottom half of the map, which was already well-done and needed nothing more. I then removed a few of the old triangles in order to reduce the drain on computing power.

Alright, there's an easy exit meant only for all-gold demo's, and a hard exit. There are two major routes to the hard exit, and I have demos for both. I do mean "Hard" exit. One of them requires immense momentum jumping skills, and the other requires strong precision jumping skills. It's a good practice map, and will make many mine maps much easier if you get used to it (although you still can't do many of the jumps in Lucidium's maps :P ).

It's also quite fun for me, and short, to compensate for the difficulty. And it's more open than it looks because of the sheer number of places you can reach from the bottom and right.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Little Edgy' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Stutter' Thumbnail of the map 'Precision Series 4' Thumbnail of the map 'Shimmer' Thumbnail of the map 'Blast Chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Boosc'
A Little Edgy Don't Stutter Precision Series 4 Shimmer Blast Chamber Boosc


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Jesus this is hard.

Precision Hard Demo

I'm one jump off of finishing this, and I screw it up totally. This one is harder in some aspects (that walljump-to-slope is nasty), but much easier overall to pull off, as you only need to be really precise with one or two jumps.
Demo Data

Momentum Hard Demo

This is faster, although if you run the precision really well it's not *that* much faster. It's a wonderful thing to actually complete and show off, because anyone trying it cold will go "there's no way he could have done that!"

And the answer, of course, is "patience, practice"
Demo Data