
Thumbnail of the map 'Avatearius'

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Author -Eli-
Tags author:-eli- playable puzzle rated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-27
Last Modified 2004-11-28
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description There are many challenges in this map.
1. Reach a pinwheel without touching the circles, then descend safely to the ground in one leap, touching only one other surface.
2. Climb the central pillar, starting on the inverse circle and touching the central circle.
3. Descend safely from the central circle to the ground in the center with only the 'jump' key.
4. Do something else interesting and hard and I might add it to the list.
5. Jump from one of the outermost circles, and without touching any other surfaces, pass between the central circle and the topmost diamond, and land safely on the centermost slope on the opposite side from where you started. (see Maniak's demo if you're confused.)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Red Scare' Thumbnail of the map 'Arena' Thumbnail of the map 'Orcish Warrens' Thumbnail of the map 'Dangerous DDA II: The Cavern of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Timer' Thumbnail of the map 'Jumping Up The Valley'
Red Scare Arena Orcish Warrens Dangerous DDA II: The Cavern of Doom Electric Timer Jumping Up The Valley


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Here's an interesting goal:

Get to one of the second circles on either side. Then, Don't Do Anything, and survive your descent. Here's a demo for #6:
Demo Data


Since I already posted a demo of #5, this automatically gives me another half-point! Hooray!

Ok, there's #5.

It can be done off any of three slopes. Here's me doing it off the third and you can guess the second. :) However it's pretty easy to do it off the second so I'll limit it to the one you used.
Demo Data


Here's a little something interesting:

Get onto one of the outer circles. Jump over the second one, head over the 4th part of the central pillar, then jump gracefully off of the slope on the opposite side, landing on the center area. My demo here shows me doing this starting on the left side. This can be flipped, you can start on the right side with this goal too.
Demo Data
tktktk, on #3 you have to land in the central area of the floor.

And it's a pity no one's done #4 yet. ;)


I like the idea behind this map. Pretty tough to do some of it, so here's #3.
Demo Data


Demo Data

Here's 3

#1 is difficult. 2 is hard because of the difficulty in reaching the third diamond, but here's 3 for right now.
Demo Data

And #3...

Took a bit more thinking, but also easy.
Demo Data

And #2...

These are pretty easy.
Demo Data

Here's #1...

I think I did this right, but I'm not sure.
Demo Data