
Thumbnail of the map 'Bang'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt fun medium mines playable rated
Created 2008-08-21
Last Modified 2008-08-22
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Pretty self explanatory. Mines, lasers and one ways. Not too hard, if you know what to do...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fishy Intentions' Thumbnail of the map 'Paranoid' Thumbnail of the map 'From All Angles' Thumbnail of the map 'Paranoid- Holy Crap Mode' Thumbnail of the map 'Trial of the Spartan' Thumbnail of the map 'Driving You Mad'
Fishy Intentions Paranoid From All Angles Paranoid- Holy Crap Mode Trial of the Spartan Driving You Mad


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This map

kicks ass.

Homer style.
But tbh I think Ive done the best I can do with the tiles. Chainguns would have been much too hard, zaps and seekers cant be used intelligently here imo, thwumps are too easy/hard depending, floorchasers would be redundant. The only enemy that could have worked was gauss, but idk, it didnt seem right with the level.
The tileset is sorta ugly in my opinion and the object placement is even worse aesthetically.

The gameplay isn't awful, but the one ways are finnicky and the way the mines and lasers interact felt clunky to me.
And a good use of one-ways as well.
Could do a bit better on aestheics, though.

Fair enough

Ill put it back :P

Can a mod or something delete the comments revealing the secret exit? I want people to find out for themselves again :P thanks in advance.

Hidden exit?

Not sure what you mean... dont think I did unneccesary to get agd...
Also I havent tried playing it, but I dont like the way you fixed my cheat :p Partly because you force people to go up there now just for gold and partly because it looks like it gets in the way at the top... its one oneway longer than needed? Also you can still get through there? In fact its possibly easier

LOL @ demo

Lol, you found the hidden exit :O

But why did you still go back around the top anyway? Knowing this I could probably post a faster agd than u. Watch this space.


All these demos are available on nreality if you have it



Got it

Not the route you intended :P
agd - 2055 / 106.625
Demo Data

Thats better

I got past that thwump once by luck, but the level is much better without it. The rest of the level is awesome, havent got from back past the lower thwump yet the level is well balanced and fun.
agd coming up


Didnt see that thwump do that in playtesting. Ill edit it out, not needed.


I cant see how this is possible... Its the thwump at the top giving me most trouble

The thwump... meant to be hard, but Ive put the mines in places to help you see the solution. You have to wall jump from the column.


part hard. cool idea though. fun 4/5

Cool tileset.....

but WAY too hard for me.