42-0: How did I land on the beach?

Thumbnail of the map '42-0: How did I land on the beach?'

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Author deep_blue
Tags author:deep_blue episode rated
Created 2013-11-11
Last Modified 2013-11-11
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description what would you do if landed on early morning seashore from space?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '41-0: Soft Vampirism' Thumbnail of the map '41-1: For the last time Pitkins, we're measuring length!' Thumbnail of the map '41-2: Moody day' Thumbnail of the map '41-3: Cyclone cyclopses' Thumbnail of the map '41-4: Three free treehouses' Thumbnail of the map '42-1: Bulletspitter fairy and maneater plant'
41-0: Soft Vampirism 41-1: For the last time Pitkins, we're measuring length! 41-2: Moody day 41-3: Cyclone cyclopses 41-4: Three free treehouses 42-1: Bulletspitter fairy and maneater plant


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now I get it..


I just love it when you figure out those tiny bits in a map :D
I placed it there exactly to prevent speedruns from being a childish warmup ;)
You cool man

forgot the demo

Demo Data


btw, this mine is a fucking bastard for speedrunners:


I was wondering if people would see halo-related stuff, haha :D
it isnt supposed to be haloish actually. just a spacehelm.

slightly faster

you know, taking a closer look at these tiles. it looks like a spartan from halo wearing an EVA helmet. not sure if that's what it's meant to look like but it does.
Demo Data
they look great. good implication too. sorry i couldn't do the collab. if you want the full story just read the description on my last map. if you want, you can upload the other collab we did all those months ago. unless you were saving it for something else. anyway, good map, here's a speedrun. ill try to improve it.
Demo Data

Great tiles indeed.


Great tiles.
Demo Data