
Thumbnail of the map 'Timekeeper'

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Author albla
Tags author:albla featured hard jumper mine minejumper rated timekeeper
Created 2014-09-07
Last Modified 2014-09-07
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description A mine-jumper with a little bit of an extra challenge trying to get all the gold.

This map was featured on 2015-12-28

The hours tick away.

In a brief moment of eternity, we are here. In all of the possible worlds, out of all the possible species, we exist as sentient human beings. We experience sensory stimulation, we experience love, we experience all of the highs and lows of emotion. And for all the silliness of it, we can create things that provide enjoyment for people around the planet before we're gone, even with things as seemingly meaningless as levels for a free indie game released over a decade ago.

The hours tick away, but we'll enjoy them while we're here. — maxson924

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Limits' Thumbnail of the map 'Beyond' Thumbnail of the map 'Caved In' Thumbnail of the map 'Claustrophobia' Thumbnail of the map 'Back Around' Thumbnail of the map 'Overclock'
Limits Beyond Caved In Claustrophobia Back Around Overclock


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this is a decent jumper.
Demo Data
...I enjoyed the review itself.

i was going okay...

...and then I died on the trap door...

What terrible design that trap was. I completely agree with macro's criticisms; there is no logical flow or coherence to facilitate natural movement; the map felt stilted and crude.
Demo Data
The jump at the very beginning to get the gold is annoying and generally I felt too limited. I know that this is the nature of minejumpers, but this one felt uncomfortable to play for me. Thumbnail looks ok, though a bit messy.
It's not a bad map, but you've made better ones.

This map is superb

Perfect difficulty and length. I really love those trapdoors too.


Demo Data

You've inspired me

I just made a minejumper to try and capture the balanced, medium difficulty this map has, but I think *mine's* too hard (pun intended). It's called "NRG Core"


5/5, this is seriously outstanding.
Demo Data
this is fantastic. I'm gonna try to get a demo for a little while longer, but I'm favoriting this already.

I started off with making just placing them randomly, then 'carved' out a primary path. Then I just took some away for more path choices, trying not to make it too easy or too hard.

I was trying for agd at first, then settled for normal completion. Very fun minejumper, and I usually hate minejumpers, but somehow this one is not really frusturating, even when you die on the same mine 10 times.

I am curious, do you begin by placing mines randomly, then filling in vital ones for the primary path? Or vice versa? Or.... is every single mine carefully placed?
Demo Data