Speed, agility - parkour

Thumbnail of the map 'Speed, agility - parkour'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author PavlitoGAMES
Tags author:pavlitogames fun pg22 race unrated
Created 2017-12-21
Last Modified 2018-07-13
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A small tip - follow the gold line.

Maps of the series are located under "PG(map-number)".

Type map: Fun

Difficulty level: Medium-easy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Crosses made of birch trunks' Thumbnail of the map 'Some pattern' Thumbnail of the map 'Bent finger' Thumbnail of the map 'The pine forest' Thumbnail of the map 'Escape from prison' Thumbnail of the map 'Pixel style'
Crosses made of birch trunks Some pattern Bent finger The pine forest Escape from prison Pixel style


Pages: (0)

sub800 agd

Demo Data


ты угараешь? где данные?

That's true.

But I think it's still pretty good. :)


Sweet little race map. I like it.
Demo Data