Satan's Key

Thumbnail of the map 'Satan's Key'

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Author eNlightened
Tags author:enlightened endurance fun medium-hard mines playable rated
Created 2009-04-05
Last Modified 2009-04-05
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description This level started as a simple diamond shape in the middle and was supposed to be split into sections. I ended up messing with the tiles and finding the key shape. I had used so many mines that it looked... evil XD. So I worked around that and made the fire on the bottom, and kept the "wings" on the sides. All in all I think this became a very fun map that isn't too hard but is still challenging (IMO). The top middle is the only part that I think needs some work and I may edit it later. One thing to watch out for is a glitch that keeps the doors on the key locked even when open making a 'barricade'. IDK what causes it but it has only happened twice and both when I was cheating (dieing and not resetting). It has never happened otherwise and I've beaten it 20+ times. If anyone can explain why I've gotten a NaN in the code please do... doesn't seem to mess anything up.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Frustration' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Map (Now with 120% more mines)'
Frustration Drone Map (Now with 120% more mines)


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12000 frame demo. It's been so long since I've played this level. It feels odd to look at this stuff after so long. That said it's one of the few I still enjoy playing so here's a reasonable AGD after all this time. It really isn't nearly as hard as I remember.
Demo Data


It's hard and a lot of spammed objects but not a noobish map.
I liked thwump using (except they are hidden, i hate hidden objects).

Yeah sorry.

About the spam. It's good too consider this was only my second map tho. Still, a 3 is about what I think (or a 2.5^) it deserves anyways.

agree with booster

way too many mines, but I liked the bottom
above average is ok for that...3/5

P.S.: would you mind also looking at the rest of the series []?


so many mines.
still a very fun map
The mines were for Aesthetics though. Crude, plain aesthetics but aesthetics non the less. Also, the gameplay on this map is fun. I've found that to be true and so have several others. I understand you're point, but I don't think this map is horrid. To each his own though.


this map is butt-ugly, and I think the name is contrived and generic. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to help you out - false praise is useless. Try not to use so many mines, if the ninja can't reach a mine on normal mode, and the mine is not placed for aesthetics, leave it out. The laser in the doors is pretty useless, since once you get close enough for it to shoot you can just hit the door and win. Also try not to put mines so close to each other, they look better, load faster, and still achieve the same effect when spaced slightly further apart. Simple tiles are nice, to a certain point. For some reason I can't explain I wouldn't categorize these tiles as simple/minimalistic, maybe because instead of a pattern its more of a picture, a very poorly painted picture. Best feedback I am capable of providing, you've shown a lot of improvement since this map.
they could let me through. but for the rest of the map... 4/5.


"You focus on gameplay a lot more than aesthetics. Gameplay: 5/5
Aesthetics: 2.5/5"

I guess this is a compliment... or maybe it just IS. Yeah, I do a lot of play testing so I'm trying to make my levels fun, or in some cases just possible.

"It's a nice puzzle/action level but I think you've spammed a little too many mines.
Overall 3.5 up. "

Thanks 4 the 4. And about the mines... maybe just a little.
"PS: The name suits the level really well."

I know, I may add horns to the key so that there is a place to stand and it is more devilish.

Nice, nice

You focus on gameplay a lot more than aesthetics. Gameplay: 5/5
Aesthetics: 2.5/5
It's a nice puzzle/action level but I think you've spammed a little too many mines.
Overall 3.5 up.
PS: The name suits the level really well.




"Not a Number" who invented that? xD

Hey I see u have just 4 maps Like my only one =D

Almost every time, I dont care tileset or objects, I just evaluate the gameplay, and this one rockz. 4/5
I didn't think it was ugly :(. And I already explained the thumps, and the eye was really for show. About the thumps, I realize that. Maybe I could put a one way to stand on or something. Did you watch my demo. It might help. Thx for playing either way. I really enjoy reading other peoples comments/criticism.
you can scare someone into a heartattack! nah, just kidding :F this is pretty ambitious, this map, and while the majority of NUMA would say this looks like crap, I think it's alright. just the top mine-box-entrapment ruins the overall display of the mines. The bottom part was good, I have not complaints there, and the jump to get the gold with the slanted trail of mines is effective. But there is a lot of empty space and it can get dull; the bottom part of the map is the only part that has any natural flow. I found it very difficult to get up on the thwump to get to the top of the mine-box-entrapment, since there is only a limited number of tiles you can jump from to get on the thwump, and since ur in the path of the thwump, it's very hard to get on top of it while avoiding it, all the while jumping off a slope! lasers look cool, but are unnessecary
Demo Data
Since you guys think my levels are way too hard, I decided to post some demos. This one I don't win but only b/c I screw around with laser eyes for a minute. I make it through the whole level though so it's definitely completion. I know this is the easiest of my 3 first levels so I'll try and post completion of the other 2 next. I may need to split frustration into 2 parts.
Demo Data

Yeah I know...

I've just seen a lot of people who are like it's good 4/5 or 4.5/5 (when that's very good) and who think okay is 3 and bad is 2. And yay!!! First rated map... and I am supposedly 'above average'.
on the rating bar. :)
It was a spur of the moment thing really. I was gonna have the laser target you and yu have to use the key pieces for shelter but I can't seem to make the laser eye stationary... I was thinking about not including either but when I played through and saw how perfectly the thumps timing and heights were with the platforms at the beginning I decided to keep them.


IT. try avoiding hiding weapons. over 4/5
IDK how I beat years ago when I was worse at this game AFAIK. I got pretty close though today. I'll put a replay up for my remix and this one soon but right now I'm trying for Frustration!!! Oh... and is 3/5 decent? Or is it bad? Just curious since I think I've gotten 4, 3, 3, 3.
i cant beat it, but very inventive with the mines, 3/5 for effort :].
I figured the NaN thing out a little while ago but I appreciate the help non the less. I'll keep that in mind about the tiles. I did realize that although the level was fun (at least to me) the fact that it takes forever to load is annoying. I will continue trying to improve, if you would please make some suggestions on my other maps as well. I'm kind of a noob at this.

a Nan

is where a number in the data is defiled by a non number. nan stands for 'not a number'. it often occurs when you paste data into the box and press L when the box is still selected. so to be sure click outside the box before loading.

as for the level, you have too many mines, way too many. if you want an evil look you can achieve this buy using angular and pointy tiles.



I understand that you are a new here so i will like this map this time...