One hell of a Ninja Star

Thumbnail of the map 'One hell of a Ninja Star'

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Author eNlightened
Tags author:enlightened conceptual easy-medium fun n-art one-ways rated
Created 2009-04-27
Last Modified 2009-04-27
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Well this map started as an N-art and then I wanted to make it playable. After some extensive changes it became a map with too small corridors. I used jumpads to squeeze through these corridors and now the map has become a fun if a bit easy kind of glitch and concept map. I enjoy it although others might not so I'll see what you guys think.

Ded goes out to bobaganuesh who got an amazing AGD on my 'Rocket Pickpocket' map. Originally it was supposed to be a temple or shrine like level but the ded is long overdue and I think this level is good enough. If he finds this disagreeable I will delete this and give him the ded in another level.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Frustration' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Map (Now with 120% more mines)' Thumbnail of the map 'Satan's Key' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Pickpocket' Thumbnail of the map 'Survival slide'
Frustration Drone Map (Now with 120% more mines) Satan's Key Rocket Pickpocket Survival slide


Pages: (0)


Haha, it is really interesting. Weird concept. Enjoyable.
But thanks for them nonetheless!
18 maps with unread comments is like O.O
Also I think someone deserves a ded, a magnificent n Art ded. So, what do you think of Fallout power armor?
P.S. My girlfriend laughed at your comments about the anti-Hitler beard.
Yeah, sorry, I think I forgot about the ded here. You shall receive one. Changed the description. :) []
like that because otherwise there is NO challenge. Now u still have to be at least a bit careful. I understand the frustration tho.

Kaos thx for the link, sorry for the long reply. tho By now u have forgoten about this map anyways ;D

Booster, u r rite. I should really get around to fixing that.

Cheat Route

Very Cheatable maybe I should've rated it 4
Demo Data

I die too often

when I hit the launchpads...again 3/5


You asked about it on WBC's map. To get it go here [].

1st try

and your asking me if I ever did acid?
Demo Data

possible it is

Demo Data
Pretty damn slow but at least it's proven possible. Satanic # shows the overratedness of legitimate demos.
Demo Data
but what a beginning...
Demo Data
And yes it is possible although hard. This run uses that unintended glitch just so I can show you how to AGD a bit quicker. Gratz on figuring out the main idea though and thanks for all the RCEs. Oh and you can jump over the door at the end. I just didn't want to risk it in the demo.
Demo Data

Is AGD possible?

the way to do what I did in my map with the launchpads, is you edit their code. It changes their power and also means that running onto them from the side willnt set them off. to find out how to edit codes of launchpads, there is a guide on the forums. Basically you just screw around with the last two parts of the code. 2^396,432,0,-1 in this case, it is the 0 and the -1. the first is the horizontal power, the second is the vertical power. just play around with the numbers a bit to learn about them
Demo Data

Thanks guys

@Booster: Thanks for the 5. Despite it's repetitiveness I find it too be quite fun.
As for the 'cheatability' see below.

@Tangential: Thanks, although this is definitely one of my easeir ones. I didn't really notice that about the atmosphere but I see it now. Kinda just a product of the map. I could take out the gold if you think it would be better, I only had it there as an additional challenge.

@Chume: Damn... I can't see how to fix that without sticking some mines there or changing the tiles or using doors but I kinda wanted to keep it almost a pure one way map... if you can think of another fix it would be appreciated. I did test it a lot, however I never even knew of this particular glitch. Thanks for showing me. Also I see what you mean about the repetition. It was kinda just a concept and I couldn't help but spam it :D.

General: It's great that everyone who voted commented. Very nice thanks. I will not post an AGD in case it becomes invalid after edits. But here's a nice EFGD.
Demo Data

One cheat route

Whenever your making any map with extensive use of one-ways you need to thoroughly check for these cheats as their are many. This isn't a fast demo but it will have to do as it was to fiddley to do again

As for the map excluding its cheat-ability, repetition is rarely the way to go and large amounts of gold boringly placed in one arbitrary area is weak. Lucky for you I love squeeze maps and one-way glitches so it still merits 3.4/5
Demo Data

Nice Map!

You really do make good challenges. Doubt I can go halfway on this one.
The atmosphere and claustro feels real good, but I think the gold is kind of pointless and detracts the scenic value. Try incorporating it in the gameplay!

It is cheatable

but it isn't easy to cheat:P
I just somehow found it
Very fun map


AGD maybe tomorrow. Gotta go to bed now.
Demo Data

Demos soon.

Don't complain about getting stuck or exploding when not controlling your momentum. Those are the only challenges of the map and removing them would make it the simplest of the simple. If everyone agrees it's a problem then I will change it. I would recommend being careful on the way down as the momentum will kill you if attempted improperly. If you find any glitches please tell me. N-Joy.